Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Feature Article: Understanding Covenant Marriage in Arizona

Marriage is a sacred bond between two individuals who promise to love and cherish each other till death do them part. However, not all marriages are created equal, and some require greater commitment and responsibility. In response to the rising divorce rates, some states in America have introduced the concept of covenant marriage, and one such state is Arizona. In this article, we will explore what a covenant marriage is, how it differs from a regular marriage, and the legal implications of a covenant marriage in Arizona.

What is a Covenant Marriage?

A covenant marriage is a type of marital contract that requires couples to undergo premarital counseling and agree to specific conditions before getting married. In a covenant marriage, the couple agrees to limit the grounds for divorce, and in case of divorce, the legal process is more challenging and time-consuming. A covenant marriage is a legally binding agreement that is recognized only in specific states. Arizona was the first state to recognize and institute covenant marriage, followed by Louisiana and Arkansas.

How is it Different from a Regular Marriage?

A covenant marriage is different from a regular marriage in several ways. First, a covenant requires the couple to attend premarital counseling, which is not mandatory in a regular marriage. The counseling includes topics such as conflict resolution, communication, and realistic expectations of married life. Second, in a covenant marriage, the couple agrees to limit the grounds for divorce. In Arizona, the only grounds for divorce in a covenant marriage are abuse, adultery, imprisonment of one spouse, or abandonment. In contrast, a regular marriage allows for no-fault divorce, which means that neither spouse is at fault for the dissolution of the marriage.

Legal Implications of Covenant Marriage in Arizona

In Arizona, a covenant marriage has several legal implications. First, the couple waives their right to a no-fault divorce, which means that divorce can only be granted based on specific grounds. Second, the couple has to undergo counseling before seeking a divorce or separation, which is not mandatory in a regular marriage. Third, the legal process of divorce in a covenant marriage is more challenging and time-consuming, as the couple has to prove fault-based grounds for divorce. Finally, if the couple has children, they must attend counseling before seeking a divorce or separation.


A covenant marriage is an excellent option for couples who believe in the sanctity of marriage and want to take additional steps to avoid divorce. The legal implications of a covenant marriage in Arizona are significant, and couples should carefully consider their decision before entering into one. Ultimately, a covenant marriage is a personal choice, and couples must weigh the pros and cons to make an informed decision.

Covenant Marriage-ARs

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Consequences of Aggravated DUI with Suspended License Under ARS 28-1383

Investigative Article

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a serious offense, and can have severe consequences for those caught doing it. In Arizona, an aggravated DUI with a suspended license is even more serious, and the penalties can be harsh. It is important to understand what an aggravated DUI entails, what the legal limits are, and what the penalties are for driving with a suspended license. In this investigative article, we will explore the specifics of this crime, and delve into the details of the penalties and legal consequences.

What is an Aggravated DUI?

An aggravated DUI is a DUI charge that has been enhanced by additional factors, making the offense more serious. These factors could include driving with a suspended license, having a high blood alcohol concentration (BAC), and causing an accident or injury while under the influence. An aggravated DUI carries more severe penalties than a standard DUI charge, and can result in criminal charges and jail time.

What is a Suspended License?

A suspended license is when a person's driving privileges are temporarily revoked. This could be due to a variety of reasons, such as too many traffic violations, failure to pay tickets or fines, or a DUI conviction. When a license is suspended, it means the driver is not legally allowed to operate a motor vehicle.

What is the BAC for Aggravated DUI in Arizona?

In Arizona, the legal limit for blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is 0.08%. However, if a driver is found to have a BAC of 0.15% or higher, they can be charged with an aggravated DUI.

What are the Penalties for Driving on a Suspended License?

Driving with a suspended license is a serious offense in Arizona, and can result in a range of penalties depending on the circumstances. If the license was suspended due to a DUI, the penalty will be more severe. Penalties can include fines, jail time, community service, and a longer suspension period.

Revocation vs. Suspension: Understanding License Penalties in Arizona DUI Cases

In Arizona, a license can be either suspended or revoked. A suspension is a temporary revocation of driving privileges, while a revocation is a complete and permanent loss of driving privileges. In cases of aggravated DUI, the penalties can include license revocation, which means the person may never be eligible to drive again.

Why You Need a Defense Attorney for Aggravated DUI with a Suspended License

If you have been charged with an aggravated DUI with a suspended license in Arizona, it is important to seek the help of an experienced defense attorney. The penalties for this offense can be severe, and a good lawyer can help to mitigate the consequences and defend your rights in court.

How Kolsrud Law Offices Can Help

Kolsrud Law Offices is a team of experienced defense attorneys who specialize in DUI and criminal defense. With years of experience in Arizona courts, our team knows how to navigate the legal system and defend our clients. We understand the seriousness of the charges against you and will work tirelessly to ensure the best possible outcome for your case.

Contact Kolsrud Law Offices Now

If you have been charged with an aggravated DUI with a suspended license, don't wait to get the legal representation you need. Contact Kolsrud Law Offices today to schedule a consultation and get started on your defense. Our team is ready to fight for you and your rights.

Aggravated DUI with a Suspended License-Arizona Defenders

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Understanding Arizona's Anti-SLAPP Laws: Explained, Compared to Other States, and How to File

Feature Article

Have you ever heard of a SLAPP lawsuit? It stands for Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation, and it's a type of lawsuit that's used to silence critics through intimidation and legal fees. However, some states have anti-SLAPP laws in place to protect citizens’ freedom of speech. In this feature article, we'll take a deep dive into Arizona's anti-SLAPP laws and how they protect citizens' right to free speech.

What is a SLAPP Lawsuit?

As mentioned before, a SLAPP lawsuit is a legal action taken against an individual or group with the intent of intimidating, censoring, or silencing them. These types of lawsuits can take various forms, from defamation to public protest to whistleblowing.

Explaining Arizona's Updated Anti-SLAPP Laws

Arizona's anti-SLAPP laws were first introduced in 1994. They were recently updated in 2020 to provide more comprehensive protection for Arizona residents. The update broadened the protection to include the electronic communication and social media posts, which are often used to intimidate or silence people who speak out.

What is Considered Free Speech?

Free speech is a fundamental right that's protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. It encompasses any form of expression, including written or spoken words, images, movies, music, and artwork. However, there are certain limits to free speech. For instance, speech that incites violence or poses a clear and imminent danger is not protected under the First Amendment.

Are there Federal Anti-SLAPP Laws?

No, there are no federal anti-SLAPP laws. However, some states, like Arizona, have their own anti-SLAPP laws in place.

Arizona’s Anti-SLAPP Laws vs. Other States

Arizona's anti-SLAPP laws are considered to be comprehensive and robust. They're designed to protect citizens' free speech rights and provide a mechanism to fight back against frivolous lawsuits. Some other states, like California and Texas, also have anti-SLAPP laws in place, but they may differ in their scope and application.

How Does Filing an Anti-SLAPP Motion Work?

If you're facing a SLAPP lawsuit in Arizona, you can file an anti-SLAPP motion. This motion is designed to challenge the validity of the lawsuit and protect your free speech rights. The court will then review your motion and determine whether the lawsuit has merit or not. If it's determined to be a SLAPP lawsuit, the court may require the plaintiff to pay for the defendant's legal fees.

Who are "State Actors" Under Arizona Law?

Under Arizona law, a "state actor" is anyone who's acting on behalf of the government. This includes elected officials, government employees, and law enforcement officers. If a state actor files a SLAPP lawsuit against you, you may be able to assert a First Amendment retaliation claim.

How a Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help in a SLAPP

If you're facing a SLAPP lawsuit, it's essential to seek the advice of a criminal defense attorney who has experience in First Amendment law. They can help you navigate the legal process, file an anti-SLAPP motion, and protect your free speech rights.

In conclusion, if you live in Arizona and exercise your right to free speech, it's essential to know the state's updated anti-SLAPP laws. These laws offer comprehensive protection against frivolous lawsuits and provide a mechanism to fight back against intimidation and censorship. By staying informed about these laws, we can all work together to protect our freedom of expression.

Arizona’s Anti-SLAPP Laws

Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Impact of Criminal Speeding Tickets in Arizona: Why They Can Affect Your Record for Years to Come

Investigative Article

Did You Get a Criminal Speeding Ticket in Arizona?

Have you recently been issued a criminal speeding ticket in Arizona? If so, it's important to understand the long-term implications of this charge. Unlike civil traffic violations, criminal speeding charges remain on your criminal record indefinitely, which can have a significant impact on various aspects of your life, including employment and insurance rates. In this investigative article, we'll delve into the details of criminal speeding tickets in Arizona and explore the potential consequences of this charge.

Speeding in Arizona: What You Need to Know

Arizona has strict laws and penalties when it comes to speeding. The state has a maximum speed limit of 75 mph on rural interstates and 65 mph on urban freeways, but the speed limit can vary based on the location and road conditions. If you are caught exceeding the speed limit by more than 20 mph or driving over 85 mph, you can be charged with criminal speeding.

The Consequences of Criminal Speeding

If you are convicted of criminal speeding in Arizona, it can have long-term consequences. Unlike civil traffic violations, criminal convictions remain on your criminal record indefinitely. This means that the misdemeanor charge can affect your employment and insurance rates for years to come. Insurance companies often review your driving history for up to five years, meaning that a criminal speeding charge can lead to increased insurance rates for a significant period of time.

In addition to the potential financial impact, a criminal speeding charge can also affect your personal life. It can make it difficult to secure certain jobs or volunteer positions, as many employers and organizations conduct criminal background checks. Furthermore, the charge can harm your reputation, as it indicates a disregard for the safety of others on the road, and may result in the loss of trust from friends and family.

What to Do If You Receive a Criminal Speeding Ticket

If you receive a criminal speeding ticket in Arizona, it's important to take the charge seriously. While it may seem like an inconvenience, ignoring it or attempting to fight it without legal representation could result in more severe consequences down the line.

The first step is to hire a reputable attorney who has experience handling traffic cases. They can review the details of your case and advise you on the best course of action. In some cases, they may be able to negotiate a plea deal or have the charges reduced. If a trial is necessary, they can represent you in court and argue your case to the judge.


If you have received a criminal speeding ticket in Arizona, it's important to understand the potential long-term consequences of this charge. While it may seem like a minor offense, it can have significant impacts on your criminal record, employment, and insurance rates. The best course of action is to hire an experienced attorney who can guide you through the legal process and work to reduce the charges or have them dismissed altogether.

For more information about criminal speeding tickets in Arizona, visit criminal speeding ticket Arizona.


Friday, May 3, 2024

Divorce Mediation vs Litigation: Pros and Cons in Arizona

Feature Article: The Pros and Cons of Divorce Mediation vs. Litigation in Arizona

Divorce is a difficult and emotional process, and choosing the right approach to resolve your issues can make a big difference in how smoothly the process goes. Two of the most common ways to resolve a divorce are through mediation or litigation. But how do you know which one is right for you?

The Pros of Divorce Mediation

Divorce mediation offers many benefits for couples looking for a more collaborative and peaceful way to end their marriage.

1. Savings

One of the biggest advantages of mediation is the potential for significant cost savings compared to a traditional courtroom battle. Because mediation is typically faster and less adversarial, it typically costs less than litigation. Additionally, because couples work together to come to a mutually agreed-upon settlement, there’s less need for expensive attorney fees and court costs.

2. Control

Mediation gives couples more control over the outcome of their divorce. Rather than relying on the court to make decisions for them, mediation allows couples to make decisions together about what is best for their family. This can include decisions about child custody, child support, spousal support, and division of assets.

3. Confidentiality

One of the best aspects of divorce mediation is that it’s a confidential process. Unlike litigation, which is a public court record, mediation allows couples to keep their negotiations and settlement private. This can be especially important for high-profile or high-net-worth couples who want to protect their privacy.

4. Cooperation

Mediation is inherently a cooperative process. Rather than taking an adversarial approach, mediation encourages couples to work together to find common ground. This can lead to a healthier relationship after the divorce is final, especially in cases where children are involved. Additionally, because couples work together rather than against each other, the process is typically faster and less stressful than litigation.

The Cons of Divorce Mediation

While mediation has many benefits, it may not be the right choice for everyone. Here are some things to consider before deciding if mediation is right for you:

1. Communication

Mediation requires a certain level of communication between both parties. If one or both parties aren’t willing or able to communicate effectively, mediation may not be successful. Additionally, if there are significant power imbalances or abusive behavior in the relationship, mediation may not be a safe or appropriate choice.

2. Agreement

Both parties must be willing to come to an agreement for mediation to be successful. If one or both parties have unrealistic expectations or are unwilling to compromise, mediation may not be successful.

3. Legal Advice

While mediation doesn’t require the involvement of an attorney, it can be beneficial to consult with an attorney before beginning the process. If one or both parties don’t fully understand their legal rights or obligations, mediation may not lead to a fair outcome.

The Pros of Divorce Litigation

While litigation is typically viewed as the less-preferable way to resolve a divorce, it does have some benefits. Here are a few:

1. Protection

If one or both parties feel threatened or unsafe, litigation can provide a layer of protection that mediation can’t. When there are issues of domestic violence, substance abuse, or mental health concerns, a judge can step in and order protective measures to keep those involved safe.

2. Resources

When a case goes to court, both parties have access to a wide variety of resources that might not be available in mediation. This includes the ability to request documents or testimony through subpoenas, as well as the ability to question witnesses under oath.

3. Finality

Once a judge makes a ruling, the divorce is final and both parties know exactly what is expected of them moving forward. This can provide a sense of closure and finality that isn’t always present in mediation, which often involves an ongoing negotiation process.

The Cons of Divorce Litigation

Despite its benefits, litigation also has some significant drawbacks:

1. Expense

Litigation is typically a much more expensive way to resolve a divorce. Attorney fees, court fees, and other costs associated with the process can quickly add up, making litigation unaffordable for some couples.

2. Time

Litigation can be a lengthy process, sometimes taking months or even years to resolve. This can be especially difficult for couples who want to move on with their lives as quickly as possible.

3. Adversarial

Because litigation is an adversarial process, it can be emotionally draining and stressful for everyone involved. Additionally, taking a case to court means that both parties are essentially giving up control of the outcome to a judge, who may not fully understand the intricacies of their particular situation.

Choosing the Right Option for You

Ultimately, the decision to use mediation or litigation in your divorce should be based on your unique situation. If you and your spouse are committed to working together to achieve a fair and amicable settlement, mediation may be the right option for you. If, however, one or both parties are unable or unwilling to agree on important issues, litigation may be necessary.

At De Novo Law Firm, we believe that every divorce is different, and we work with our clients to find the best solution for their individual needs. If you’re contemplating a divorce in Arizona and want to learn more about your options for mediation or litigation, contact us today.


Thursday, May 2, 2024

Feature Article: The Challenges and Decisions of New Single Moms During Divorce and Custody Battles in Arizona

Being a single mother is not an easy challenge, especially when navigating a divorce or custody battle. Having to raise a child on your own while dealing with legal issues can be an overwhelming and stressful experience. In Arizona, the process of divorce and custody is governed by a complicated set of laws and procedures, which makes it all the more important for single moms to have expert guidance. In this article, we will explore the legal challenges that new single moms face during a divorce or child custody battle, and provide insights on how to make the right decisions.

The Emotional Toll of Divorce and Custody Battles

Divorce and custody battles can be an emotionally exhausting experience for both the parents and the child. New single moms may encounter feelings of sadness, guilt, anger, and fear, while simultaneously trying to be there for their child. As a result, seeking professional help from counselors, therapists, or support groups can provide a supportive environment to deal with feelings, learn coping mechanisms, and reduce stress levels.

The Legal Landscape of Divorce and Custody in Arizona

Arizona follows a “best interests of the child” standard when deciding on custody arrangements. The standard considers several factors, including the child's relationship with each parent, each parent's ability to provide for the child's needs, the child's adjustment to the home and community, and any history of domestic violence or substance abuse. New single moms need to understand the legal landscape of Arizona and the implications of various decisions, such as whether to seek sole or joint custody, how to calculate child support, and whether to pursue mediation or litigation.

The Importance of Hiring an Experienced and Compassionate Family Law Attorney

Given the complexity of the legal system, it is crucial for new single moms to hire a skilled and compassionate family law attorney who can guide them through the process. An experienced attorney can assess the facts of the case, provide sound legal advice, and represent the best interests of the single mom and the child. Through careful planning and strategy, an attorney can help single moms make informed decisions that will impact their future and that of their child.

Understanding Child Support and the Role of the Arizona Department of Child Support Services

Child support is an essential component of enforcing parental responsibility in Arizona. Single moms need to understand the factors involved in calculating child support, including each parent's income and expenses, the child's needs, and the parenting time arrangement. Additionally, the Arizona Department of Child Support Services provides resources, including establishing paternity, locating noncustodial parents, and enforcing child support orders.

The Pros and Cons of Mediation and Litigation in Divorce and Custody Battles

In some cases, mediation may be preferable to litigation during a divorce or custody battle. Mediation can provide a more collaborative approach, save time and money, and reduce stress. However, mediation is not always applicable, particularly in cases involving domestic violence or when the parties have a history of high conflict. Litigation may be necessary to enforce parental rights, particularly in cases involving child abuse, neglect, or endangerment. Alongside your attorney, it is crucial to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each option and make informed decisions.

The Importance of Co-Parenting, Communication, and Setting Boundaries

Co-parenting, communication, and setting boundaries are critical elements for newly single moms and their children. Co-parenting involves both parents sharing the responsibility of raising their child cooperatively, while effective communication can help avoid misunderstandings and ease tensions. Setting boundaries, particularly during high-conflict situations, can help protect both children and parents from stress.

Creating a Support Network and Focusing on Self-Care

Creating a support network is essential for new single moms during a divorce or custody battle. Support can come from friends, family, or community organizations. Moreover, focusing on self-care and taking the time to prioritize one's physical and emotional health can reduce stress, improve sleep, and promote overall well-being.

In conclusion, the journey of a new single mom during a divorce or custody battle can be a challenging one. Navigating the legal landscape of Arizona's family law can be difficult without expert guidance from an experienced attorney. By seeking professional help, managing emotions, and prioritizing self-care, new single moms can make informed decisions that promote the best interests of their child.

Single Moms: Expert Divorce & Custody Guidance in Arizona-

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Exposing Hidden Assets in an Arizona Divorce: Pre and Post Divorce Strategies

Investigative Article - How to Uncover Hidden Assets in an Arizona Divorce

Divorce can be a difficult and emotional process, especially when the division of assets is involved. It's important to ensure that all marital assets are disclosed to ensure a fair and equitable division. Unfortunately, some spouses may attempt to hide assets to avoid sharing them. In this article, we will explore how to uncover hidden assets in an Arizona divorce.

What are Hidden Assets?

Hidden assets, also known as undisclosed assets, are assets that one spouse intentionally fails to disclose during divorce proceedings. This can include bank accounts, investments, property, and business ownerships. Hidden assets can significantly impact settlement negotiations and leave one spouse at a disadvantage. It's important to be aware of any suspicions of undisclosed assets and to know how to uncover them.

The Importance of Early Detection

The earlier you detect hidden assets, the more time you have to seek legal support and uncover them. It's important to inform your legal representation as soon as you have any suspicions of undisclosed assets. They can utilize legal discovery tools such as subpoenas and depositions to uncover these assets.

Legal Tools to Uncover Hidden Assets

Utilizing the legal system is one of the best ways to uncover hidden assets in an Arizona divorce. Legal tools used to uncover hidden assets include:

  • Subpoenas - Court-ordered requests for financial information from banks, employers, and other relevant parties.
  • Depositions - Sworn statements made by the other spouse and other individuals with knowledge of the finances.
  • Interrogatories - Written questions that the other spouse must answer under oath.
  • Forensic Accountants - Financial experts hired to investigate and analyze complex financial situations.

How to Hire a Forensic Accountant

If you suspect that your spouse is hiding assets, it may be beneficial to hire a forensic accountant to analyze the financial situation. Forensic accountants specialize in investigating and analyzing financial records in legal disputes. They can help uncover undisclosed assets, evaluate irregularities in financial statements and provide expert testimony in court.

To hire a forensic accountant, discuss it with your attorney first. They will often have recommendations for reputable forensic accountants. You'll want to look for an accountant with the following qualifications:

  • Specializes in forensic accounting
  • Licenced as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
  • Experience testifying in court
  • Familiar with Arizona divorce laws and financial regulations

Financial Red Flags

It's important to be aware of financial red flags that may indicate that your spouse is hiding assets. Some common red flags to look out for include:

  • Unexplained withdrawals or transfers from bank accounts
  • Changes in business ownership or income
  • Unreported cash payments or canceled checks
  • Delaying the sale of assets such as real estate or investments

The Consequences of Hiding Assets

It's important to remember that hiding assets during a divorce is illegal and has consequences. If a spouse is caught hiding assets, they may face legal penalties such as fines and even imprisonment. Additionally, any assets that are found to have been hidden can be awarded to the other spouse.


Divorce can be a challenging process, and uncovering hidden assets can add further complexity. It's important to be aware of any suspicions of undisclosed assets and to seek legal support to uncover and address them. Utilizing legal discovery tools, hiring forensic accountants and being aware of financial red flags can all help uncover hidden assets and ensure a fair division of assets in an Arizona divorce.

Hidden Assets in an Arizona Divorce-Ex,Arizona

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Opinion Article: Why Single Moms Need Expert Divorce & Custody Guidance in Arizona

Divorce and custody battles are tough for anyone, but they are particularly difficult for single mothers. The process can be emotionally and financially draining, and without the right guidance, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and lost. That's why expert divorce and custody guidance is crucial for single moms fighting for their rights in Arizona.

Understanding the Challenges Faced by Single Moms

Single mothers face unique challenges when it comes to divorce and custody battles. Many times, they are left to fight for their children and financial support on their own, without the help of a partner. This can be especially difficult when the other parent is uncooperative or refuses to pay child support.

Furthermore, single moms may not have the financial resources or time to navigate the legal system on their own. They may be juggling a full-time job, childcare, and other responsibilities, leaving little time to devote to legal matters. Without proper guidance, they may miss crucial deadlines or make mistakes that could cost them their case.

The Benefits of Expert Divorce and Custody Guidance

Expert guidance and legal representation can make all the difference in a single mother's divorce and custody case. A family law attorney who specializes in these types of cases can provide valuable guidance and support, ensuring that the mother's rights are protected and that she receives a fair outcome.

Expert guidance can also help single moms navigate the legal system more easily, saving them time, money, and stress. A knowledgeable attorney can take care of the paperwork and legal processes involved in a divorce and custody case, allowing the mother to focus on her family and other responsibilities.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Attorney

Choosing the right attorney is crucial when it comes to divorce and custody cases. Single mothers should choose an attorney who specializes in family law and who has experience handling cases similar to theirs. They should also choose an attorney who is compassionate, understanding, and who will fight for their rights and the rights of their children.

It's important for single mothers to meet with potential attorneys before hiring them to ensure that they feel comfortable working with them. They should also ask questions about the attorney's experience, success rate, and fees to make sure that they are getting the best representation possible.

The Benefits of Mediation

Mediation is an alternative to traditional divorce and custody battles that can be beneficial for single mothers. Mediation involves working with a mediator to come up with a mutually acceptable agreement regarding child custody, support, and other matters.

Mediation is typically less expensive and time-consuming than traditional litigation, and it allows both parties to have a say in the outcome. This can be particularly helpful for single mothers who want to maintain a positive relationship with their ex-partner for the benefit of their children.

Taking Care of Yourself During the Divorce Process

Divorce and custody battles can be emotionally and physically draining, which is why it's important for single mothers to take care of themselves during the process. This may involve seeking counseling or therapy to deal with the stress and emotions involved in a divorce, or finding ways to stay physically active and healthy.

Additionally, seeking support from friends and family can help single mothers feel less isolated and overwhelmed during the divorce process. Joining a support group for single mothers or talking to others who have gone through similar experiences can also provide valuable insights and guidance.

The Bottom Line

Divorce and custody battles can be particularly challenging for single mothers, but expert guidance from a family law attorney can make all the difference. By choosing the right attorney and taking care of themselves during the process, single mothers can increase their chances of a positive outcome that protects their rights and the rights of their children.

Single Moms: Expert Divorce & Custody Guidance in Arizona-

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Understanding Criminal Indictments in Arizona Law: Nine Stages, Charges, and More

Investigative Article: Uncovering the Nine Stages of a Criminal Case in Arizona Law

Being indicted for a criminal case is a daunting experience, one that raises a number of questions about how the legal proceedings will play out. If you or a loved one is facing an indictment in Arizona, it's important to understand the process involved in a criminal case to make informed choices about how to move forward.

Grand Jury Proceedings in Arizona Law

In Arizona, a criminal case typically begins with an indictment, which is issued by a grand jury. The grand jury is composed of 16 to 23 citizens who are selected from the community, and their role is to determine whether there is enough evidence to support a criminal charge. During grand jury proceedings, witnesses may be called to testify, and evidence may be presented. Unlike a trial, however, only the prosecutor is present during grand jury proceedings.

What is a Criminal Indictment in Arizona Law?

A criminal indictment is a formal accusation that a person has committed a crime. It is issued by a grand jury, based on evidence presented by a prosecutor. An indictment does not mean that a person is guilty of a crime; rather, it means that there is enough evidence to support a criminal charge.

Is an Indictment the Same Thing as Criminal Charges?

Yes and no. An indictment is a formal accusation that a person has committed a crime, but it is not the same thing as criminal charges. In Arizona, criminal charges are filed by a prosecutor after an indictment has been issued. After charges are filed, the case moves forward to trial or plea negotiations.

The Nine Stages of a Criminal Case in Arizona Law

Now that we have a basic understanding of what an indictment is and how it relates to criminal charges, let's take a closer look at the stages involved in a criminal case in Arizona:

1. Arrest

The first stage of a criminal case is often an arrest. If the police have probable cause to believe that a person has committed a crime, they may arrest that person. At this stage, it's important to remain silent and contact an experienced criminal defense attorney.

2. Initial Appearance

After an arrest, a person may be brought before a judge for an initial appearance. At this stage, the judge will inform the defendant of the charges and their rights, including the right to an attorney.

3. Preliminary Hearing or Grand Jury

After the initial appearance, the case will move forward to either a preliminary hearing or grand jury proceedings. At this stage, the prosecution must present evidence to support the charges against the defendant.

4. Arraignment and Plea Bargaining

After a defendant is indicted, they will be arraigned and asked to enter a plea. At this stage, the defendant may choose to plead guilty, not guilty, or no contest. If the defendant chooses to plead guilty or no contest, plea bargaining may take place with the prosecutor.

5. Pretrial Motions and Discovery

During this stage, the defense and prosecution exchange information about the case and may file motions to exclude evidence or dismiss charges.

6. Trial

If the case proceeds to trial, a judge or jury will hear evidence and determine whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty.

7. Sentencing or Acquittal

If the defendant is found guilty, the case will move to the sentencing phase. If the defendant is found not guilty, they will be acquitted.

8. Appeals

If a defendant is convicted, they may choose to appeal the verdict or sentence.

9. Post-Conviction Relief

If a defendant's constitutional rights were violated during the trial, they may file for post-conviction relief to have their case re-examined.

Should You Hire a Defense Attorney For a Criminal Indictment?

Yes, it is highly recommended that you hire an experienced criminal defense attorney if you are facing a criminal indictment in Arizona. An attorney can help you navigate the legal proceedings and protect your rights throughout the process.

Contact Kolsrud Law Offices for Experienced Criminal Defense Representation

If you or a loved one is facing a criminal indictment in Arizona, contact Kolsrud Law Offices for experienced criminal defense representation. Our attorneys have a proven track record of success and will fight tirelessly to protect your rights and achieve the best possible outcome in your case.

Criminal Indictment, Arizona

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Understanding Arizona Stalking Laws: ARS 13-2923

Opinion Article: The Importance of Understanding Arizona Stalking Laws


Stalking is a serious crime that can have devastating effects on the victim's mental, emotional, and physical health. ARS 13-2923 is the Arizona state law that defines stalking, and it is crucial for individuals to understand what this law entails to identify and report stalking incidents. In this opinion article, we will discuss the importance of understanding Arizona stalking laws to prevent stalking and support victims.

The Definition of Stalking

ARS 13-2923 specifies that stalking occurs when a person intentionally or knowingly engages in a course of conduct directed at a specific person, causing them to fear for their safety or suffer substantial emotional distress. Stalking can take various forms, including following, monitoring, or communicating with the victim, causing them to believe that they are being harassed continuously.

Why Understanding Stalking Laws Is Crucial

Stalking is a prevalent and dangerous crime that can have long-lasting effects on the victim's mental and emotional well-being. Understanding stalking laws can help individuals recognize stalking behaviors and take necessary precautions to protect themselves. It can also help them report stalking incidents and increase the chances of bringing the perpetrator to justice.

The Consequences of Stalking

Stalking can have severe psychological and physical impacts on the victim. The victim may feel frightened, vulnerable, and isolated, leading to anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Furthermore, victims of stalking are also at risk of physical harm, as the perpetrator can escalate their behavior and become violent.

What to Do If You're Being Stalked

If you are being stalked, it is essential to take steps to protect yourself and report the incident to the authorities. Here are some of the essential actions you can take:

1. Take Immediate Precautions

If you feel threatened, take immediate precautions to protect yourself. This may include taking a different route to work or school, avoiding being alone, informing friends or family about the situation, and changing your phone number.

2. Collect Evidence

Collect any evidence that can help establish the stalking behavior, such as text messages, emails, and voicemails. It is crucial to document any incidents of stalking, including the date, time, and location.

3. Contact Law Enforcement

Report the stalking incident to the police or law enforcement agency as soon as possible. Provide them with any evidence and details of the stalking behavior. You can also obtain a restraining order against the perpetrator.

4. Seek Support

Stalking can have a profound impact on the victim's mental and emotional health. Seek support from friends, family, or a professional therapist to cope with the experience.

The Importance of Raising Awareness

It is crucial to raise awareness about stalking and its detrimental effects on the victim. Educating people about stalking laws and encouraging them to report any stalking incidents can help prevent this crime from occurring. Furthermore, providing support to the victims can help them recover from the trauma and rebuild their lives.

The Bottom Line

Stalking is a serious crime that can have long-lasting effects on the victim's mental, emotional, and physical health. Understanding stalking laws, taking precautions, and reporting stalking incidents can help prevent this crime and bring perpetrators to justice. It is essential to raise awareness about the importance of understanding stalking laws to protect individuals from this crime. Arizona Stalking Laws- ARS 13-2923